Charlie Drown is a Seattle, Washington, United States band formed in 1999 by songwriter and vocalist Charleyna Von Drown aka Charlie Drown.

Our slogan of not fitting the norm and not conforming is perfectly displayed by Charlie Drown.

 This lady's style of music really doesn't fall into a category, she makes the music she wants to make, how she wants to make it and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. That's the way music should be made.

More bands need to take a lesson here and tell the record companies to shove it.

They need to start making music again because Charlie Drown defiantly proves REAL music comes from the darkest regions of our hearts, not some rich mans bank account.

The song I like most (Pain Killer Lullaby)  featured on "PRETTY MACHINE GUN", which was also produced by Sascha of the band KMFDM.

With heavy metal guitars and electronica grooves, Charlie Drown leaves you with ear bleeding, mind-numbing music that you will remember for a lifetime.

For a more in-depth look, visit Charlie Drown's official website,,  and see for yourself.